CfP: “Joys of the Body. Phenomenological Analyses”

Call for papers for Enrahonar: An International Journal of Theoretical and Practical Reason. Deadline for submitting articles 1 March 2025.

Monographic issue at Enrahonar journal
Title: “Joys of the Body. Phenomenological Analyses”

Enrahonar calls for the participation of authors with a philosophical background who wish to contribute to an upcoming monographic issue on the joys of the body, from the perspective of the lived body. Texts should follow or be connected to a fundamental perspective of phenomenological description and analysis. Any phenomenon related to the joys of the body and to the appearance of the body in plenitude, satisfaction, delight or gratuitousness, to what has been called eu-appearance, enters by its own right into the thematic field of the issue. By joyful experiences of the body are understood those that start from the body, or that are vehiculated by it and end in it, or that have the body as a preferential or specific intentional term. The phenomenological perspective is understood in a broad sense, which certainly admits interdisciplinary approaches and dialogues with other traditions, weather they are philosophical or of the contemporary thought in general.

To this end, the editors welcome papers that develop any of the following thematic guidelines, which are only of orientative value:

  • Intentional and not-intentional structures in the experiences of joy.
  • Enjoyment and pain as asymmetrical experiences.
  • Affectivity of gratifying experiences. Analysis of the favorable bodily emotions in passive, receptive and active strata.
  • Corporal memory of joy.
  • Debates and authors in the history of the philosophical and phenomenological description of joy.
  • Phenomenological description of the joyful experiences of movement, in special, habitual or recurrent motricity.
  • Phenomenological description of the bodily pleasures of eating, drinking, resting, etc.
  • Descriptions, analyses and discussions on the erotic phenomenon.
  • Cross-dialogues of the phenomenology of sexuality with any other directions of contemporary thought.
  • Shared joy in I-You relations and in “We” intentionality. Intercorporality and eu-appearance.
  • The presence of the body in aesthetic, intellectual and spiritual enthusiasms.
  • Experiences of positivity and relief in contexts of suffering.
  • Enjoyment and sense of bodily positionality.
  • Joyful experience and sense of temporality: the temporal aspect in the fruitive experience.
  • The great theoretical models of phenomenology of the body in the face of the descriptive challenge of joy.

This call for papers also receives thematic studies and interpretative research on the work of authors who have dealt with any of these thematic fields. An indicative list of authors includes: Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Max Scheler, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Michel Henry, Simone de Beauvoir, Emmanuel Lévinas, Donn Welton, Anthony Steinbock, Elizabeth Behnke, Kristin Zeiler, Sarah Heinämaa, Natalie Depraz, Jean-Louis Chrétien, Judith Butler, Renaud Barbaras, Luce Irigaray, Iris Marion Young, Sara Ahmed, Jean-Luc Marion, Rudolf Bernet. It also accepts essays of first-hand description.

Accepted languages: Spanish, Catalan, English and French.

The deadline for submitting articles will be March 1, 2025. Submissions will be made through the Journal’s website:

Please consult the publication rules to which the submitted articles must comply and mention in the “Comments to the editor” section that the article is to be considered for the monographic issue on “Joys of the Body”.

In case of questions, please direct them to: [email protected] and [email protected]