Political Futures: Inheritances Without Testament of Hannah Arendt

Online: March 11, 2025. Organized by Facundo Vega (Associate Professor of Philosophy, Adolfo Ibáñez University / Affiliated Fellow, ICI Berlin).

Political Futures: Inheritances Without Testament of Hannah Arendt
March 11, 2025

Panel I | 17:00-19:00 (CET)
17:00 | James Martel: “Arendt Without Beginnings: A Different Kind of Political Future”
17:30 | Yasemin Sari: “W.E.B. Du Bois and Hannah Arendt on ‘Real Democracy’”
18:00 | Peg Birmingham: “Is There a Future in Hannah Arendt?”
18:30 | Discussion & Q&A

Panel II | 19:00-21:00 (CET)
19:00 | Miguel Vatter: “Arendt, Plato, and the Myth of Saturn”
19:30 | Michael Marder: “To Continue, To Begin, or Neither? Arendt with Ancient Indian Thought”
20:00 | Marcia Cavalcante: “Arendt at the Margins of Political Futures”
20:30 | Discussion & Q&A

Zoom link available upon registration: [email protected]

Organizer: Facundo Vega (Associate Professor of Philosophy, Adolfo Ibáñez University / Affiliated Fellow, ICI Berlin)