Warsaw Summer School on Husserl’s Ideas II (2025)

The 5th International Research Summer School in Genetic Phenomenology September 15-19, 2025, at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.

5th International Research Summer School in Genetic Phenomenology
Person – Body – Science
Readings of Edmund Husserl’s Ideas II
September, 15th-19th 2025 – IFiS PAN Warsaw

The 5th International Research Summer School in Genetic Phenomenology will take place September 15-19, 2025, at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The 2025 Warsaw Summer School will be dedicated to an analysis of the second volume of Edmund Husserl’s Ideas pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy.

The volume is a paradigmatic work in Husserl’s genetic phenomenology, including manuscripts written between 1912-1928. It details the constitution of the physical, animate, and personal worlds, how they are related to each other, and the role of embodiment and intersubjectivity in this process. It thus occasions dialogue not only of genetic phenomenology but also phenomenology’s contributions to disciplines such as psychology and psychoanalysis, physics, mathematics, critical theories, and more.

The 5th International RSS in Genetic Phenomenology will engage these topics while also attending to rigorous readings of the text, in anticipation of the publication of the new edition of the Ideas II. The aim of the Research Summer School is to discuss the epistemological and practical implications of the many “strange encounters” that arise through careful readings of Ideas II. Lectures and project workshops will focus on the text and related materials, and will include, alongside traditional phenomenological approaches, the perspectives of psychology, philosophical anthropology, science, mathematics, social theory, psychoanalysis, and psychotherapy. A special focus of the Summer School includes cooperation with psychoanalytical scholars who shed light on the correlation between genetic phenomenology and psychoanalysis.

The Summer School offers:

  • Lectures held by international scholars on the Summer School theme
  • “Text-laboratories”
  • Student Project Workshops
  • Coffee breaks and two cultural/social events

Suggested Topics:

  • Encounters between material and animate
  • Sensory, embodied, intersubjective, and material dimensions of experience
  • Phenomenological foundations of objectivity and materiality
  • Issues of normality, abnormality, and anomality
  • Scientific and mathematical approaches to the world
  • Foundations of moral insight in intersubjectivity, embodiment, and the objective world
  • Static, genetic, and generative analyses as phenomenological methods
  • Motivations and understanding

Confirmed Lecturers:

  • Jagna Brudzińska
  • Natalie Depraz
  • Saulius Geniusas
  • Mirja Hartimo
  • George Heffernan
  • Sara Heinämaa
  • Sonja Rinofner
  • Lanei Rodemeyer
  • Harald Wiltsche

The 5th Research Summer School is open to anyone interested in phenomenological research. Early Bird registration fee (until June 15th) is 60 EUR (250 PLN). Regular registration fee is 80 EUR (340 PLN)*. The fee includes access to all lectures and project workshops, as well as coffee breaks and two social events. The registration fee does not include room or board (other than food/drink provided at the coffee breaks and social events).

All interested students and scholars are welcome! To attend the Research Summer School, please register by sending an email to [email protected].

In addition to attending, students may also apply to present a phenomenologically-oriented project in small workshops. These workshops will be moderated by the invited speakers, and students who are presenting will have the unique opportunity to receive direct feedback on their work from these renowned scholars. Each project presentation should be around 10-15 minutes (presenting a summary or outline of the project). This will be followed by a general discussion of the project by all attendees of the workshop (including the invited scholars who are moderating).

To apply to present in a workshop, send an abstract of your project (no more than 500 words) and a cv (1 page) to [email protected] by April 15th. The abstract should provide a clear description of the project to be presented in the workshop. A limited number of proposals will be selected through blind review process. Presenters will be notified by May 15th, letting them know whether their project has been accepted for workshop presentation.

This event is supported by IFiS/GSSR, via the NAWA grant PROM Short-term academic exchange (in Polish, PROM- Krótkookresowa wymiana akademicka). The organisers will award up to 9 travel grants for PhD students at universities outside Poland.

Evaluation process: PhD students will be selected through a blind review process led by the Summer School’s scientific board.

Obligations of PROM winners: Successful applicants must: (1) prior to coming to Poland, complete an electronic participant form in NAWA’s IT system (via link provided by the Conference Organizers). Once in Poland, you must (2) sign the documentation that NAWA and IFiS require for covering your participation costs. (3) According to NAWA and FERS rules, once the Summer School is completed, a Commission at IFiS/GSSR will assess your learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, and social competences). The Commission will issue a Certificate of participation, and specify the gained knowledge, skills and social competences acquired during the Summer School. This initiative promotes equal opportunity for people with disabilities, and adequate gender representation.

Languages: English and German

Total Class Time: 30h

Scientific Direction: Prof. Jagna Brudzińska; Scientific Board: Mirja Hartimo, Alice Pugliese, and Lanei Rodemeyer

Organization: Dr. Pierluigi D’agostino and Joanna Skurzak

The 5th International Research Summer School on Phenomenology is organised in cooperation with the Husserl Archive, Cologne; Duquesne University Pittsburgh, USA; University of Helsinki, Finland; Charles University Prague, Czech Republic; Università degli Studi di Palermo; and the International Network gPHEN—Genetic Phenomenology and the Human Sciences; Institut of Philosophy – Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw.

* Individuals may request a reduced rate due to financial circumstances. Requests will be treated on a case-by-case basis.