Phenomenology and Mindfulness Conference (1-3 June 2022 – Nicosia & Online)

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phenomenomind: organised by the University of Cyprus to explore the relationship between phenomenology  and  mindfulness. Free – in-person & online.

Phenomenology and Mindfulness Conference: phenomenomind
1-3 June 2022
University of Cyprus
Nicosia & Online

This conference presents papers that explore the relationship between  phenomenology  and mindfulness. The aim is to create a fruitful dialogue between these two traditions, to bring about possible overlaps and incongruities, exploring historical as well as systematic connections. Both phenomenology and mindfulness (of Buddhist or other strands) involve an attitudinal modification that reconnects the subject with concrete living experience, that also involves abstaining from judgment. Despite a few articles that have appeared in recent scholarship that look at phenomenology and mindfulness in their togetherness, not much has been written on this very promising topic.

The conference will take place at the University of Cyprus and online. It is free to attend, but registration is required: