Call for Papers

The ‘RENEWING PHENOMENOLOGICAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY’ LAUNCH EVENT, University of Birmingham, in person and virtual (hybrid) on the 14th of October 2022.


Call for Papers- Deadline 1st of September 2022

Location: University of Birmingham, UK, in-person and virtual (hybrid)
Date: 14th October 2022
Registration Link:

Renewing Phenomenological Psychopathology is a new project that aims to apply interdisciplinary approaches to phenomenological psychopathology and diversify the field more broadly. It is an International Exchange Award funded by the Wellcome Trust and will run from April 2022 to April 2024. The leaders of the project are Matthew Broome and Giovanni Stanghellini.
Although phenomenological psychopathology has done much to expand our understanding of mental disorders, the tradition remains somewhat fossilized in the humanities and social sciences of the mid-20th century. We aim to infuse phenomenological psychopathology with the recent contributions of analytic philosophy of mind, hermeneutics, structuralist/post-structuralist philosophy, history, literature, values-based practice, developmental psychology, lived experience and service user research. In addition, we hope to generate diverse international scholars from across disciplines and career stages to develop their research leadership and management activities and to engage in award activities including international exchange fellowships small grants, and knowledge exchange events. The award will commence the reconstruction of phenomenological psychopathology for the 21st century as a democratic discipline with a historicized and inclusive account of the experience of mental illness.
Through this launch event, we invite critical reflection on the theme of renewing phenomenological psychopathology.

We welcome abstracts from multiple perspectives, from practitioners and academics of all career stages. Possible areas include, but are not limited to:
-Critical phenomenology and phenomenological psychopathology

  • The role of lived experience in phenomenological psychopathology
    -Bio-political approaches to phenomenological psychopathology
    -Interdisciplinary approaches to phenomenological psychopathology (particularly with connections to the humanities)

The launch event will take place in-person at the University of Birmingham (UK) and via Zoom, with the option of attending and presenting virtually. The launch event is a one-day event, and papers will be organised into an online and an in-person panel running simultaneously. In addition, there will be 3 invited keynote speakers: Prof. Kevin Aho, Dr. Robert Chapman and Dr. Lucy Bolton. Presentations should be 20 minutes and there will be time after each paper for Q&As. We welcome both single-authored and multi-authored papers for submission. A co-authored paper can be presented either by one author, some authors, or all authors.
Abstracts for a 20-minute presentation should be a maximum of 300 words, and applicants should provide a short biography of no more than 100 words. For multi-authored papers to be presented by just one author, all authors’ names and institutions should be included on the application. For multi-authored papers to be presented by more than one author, include a biography for each potential speaker. Applicants should indicate whether they would prefer to present in-person or remotely. Successful applicants will be provided with further instructions to ensure all presentations comply with the SWIP/BPA accessibility guidelines.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is the 1st of September 2022 (midnight UK). We are particularly keen to receive submissions from early career researchers, those with lived experience, and researchers from the global south/non-WEIRD (western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic) countries.

Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Renewing Phenomenological Psychopathology team and our international advisory board. We intend to inform participants if they have been successful by August 2022. While we will notify all applicants of the outcome of their submission, we will not supply individual feedback on the unsuccessful applications. Impressive submissions which are unsuccessful in being allocated an oral paper will be offered the opportunity to submit a poster of their research to be displayed at the launch event. The launch event will be available for registration soon after applicants are informed of the outcome of their submissions, in August. Speakers will not be required to register.

We aim to make the launch event accessible to all, in line with the BPA/SWIP guidelines for accessible conferences. The launch event will be fully wheelchair-accessible, and we will endeavour to meet any accessibility requirements our speakers and attendees have. We are committed to ensuring that financial considerations do not pose a barrier to participation so the launch event will be free to attend. For speakers who are unable to access institutional funding to cover travel expenses, we will contribute to the costs of basic travel up to a maximum of £50. We will also contribute towards the costs of child-care expenses for speakers.

Contact Us: If you would like to submit a paper or have any queries, please contact us at [email protected].