Here is the provisional publishing schedule for future seasons and episodes:
Season Six (2024) – In process of being released
Season Six of the BSP Podcast will be released in 2024, with papers taken from our late August – early September 2022 event with the University of Exeter: Engaged Phenomenology II: Explorations of Embodiment, Emotions, and Sociality.
Season Seven (2024)
Season Seven of the BSP Podcast will be released in 2024, with papers taken from our September 2021 event with the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) and The Irish Philosophical Society (IPS): The Future as a Present Concern.
Season Eight (2024)
Season Eight of the BSP Podcast will be released in 2024, with papers taken from our late August 2023 event with Manchester Metropolitan University, UK: Lived Experience in Theory and in Practice. This will be a shorter season as it was a smaller event and we did not record speakers live, those participating will send re-recorded audio files.