Eco-Phenomenology – Online Lecture Series

Institut für Praktische Philosophie, FernUniversität Hagen; Husserl Archiv, Universität zu Köln; Arbeitsbereich für Praktische Philosophie, TU Darmstadt. Begins October 2024.

Lecture Series: Critical and Political Phenomenology in Debate: Eco-Phenomenology

Continuing the debate between political and critical phenomenology, the lecture series focuses on pertinent current crises and political issues in the domain of ecological studies. It thereby tries to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of the dynamic relationships between human experience and the natural world, using classical and contemporary phenomenological resources and confronting them with issues such as the more-than-human world, environmental policy-making, or activism. Ecological theories have often made reference to phenomenological concepts such as embodiment, lifeworld, or dwelling, using the descriptive and analytic tools of phenomenology to investigate how subjects are embedded and orient themselves in their surroundings. The recent emergence of the “eco-phenomenology” has deepened this interest. Apart from the theoretical reflection on and critique of traditional dualisms (e.g., between nature and culture), eco-phenomenology also tries to provide a philosophical foundation for ethical considerations regarding the environment. It emphasizes the intrinsic value of natural entities and informs sustainable practices in domains like agriculture, urban planning, and conservation. The invited speakers will each develop their ideas for a collaboration between phenomenology and ecology in a lecture. Each talk will be accompanied by a response and then opened to public discussion: In this way, both fields will be “in debate.”

Hosts: Institut für Praktische Philosophie, FernUniversität Hagen (Thomas Bedorf, Steffen Herrmann); Husserl Archiv, Universität zu Köln (Thiemo Breyer); Arbeitsbereich für Praktische Philosophie, TU Darmstadt (Sophie Loidolt, Gerhard Thonhauser)


Sophie Loidolt (TU Darmstadt), Gerhard Thonhauser (TU Darmstadt), Steffen Herrmann (FeU Hagen): Introducing Political Phenomenology

Susanna Lindberg (University of Leiden): Being in the World of Global Warming
Response: Alexander Friedrich (TU Darmstadt)

Tao DuFour (University of Cambridge): On the Environmentality of Postcolonial Landscapes
Response: Philipp Battermann (University of Cologne)

Michael Marder (University of the Basque Country): Toward a Static-Genetic Conception of Nature
Response: Michela Bstieler (University of Innsbruck)

Bryan E Bannon (Merimack College): Eco-Phenomenology and Relational Values
Response: Raphael Röchter (University of Cologne)

Mădălina Diaconu (University of Vienna): Landmarks for an Engaged Eco-Phenomenology of Atmosphere
Response: Giovanna Caruso (University of Greifswald)

Each lecture will start at 18:15 CET.

For more information and the zoom link, please visit the website: