Tijmen Lansdaal reviews the new edited collection from Christos Hadjioannou, ‘Heidegger on Affect’ (Palgrave Macmillan [Philosophers in Depth series], 2019).
Title: Heidegger on Affect
Series: Philosophers in Depth
Author: Christos Hadjioannou (Ed.)
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Release Date: 2019
Reviewed by: Tijmen Lansdaal (Mary Immaculate College)
Abstract: In this day and age the majority of Heidegger’s works have been published. As a result, there is plenty of opportunity for philosophical exegesis: his works evidence various phases of philosophical styles and interests, a diversity of recurring topics undergoing changes in their analyses over time, and a hard-to-oversee body of creative vocabulary. It might be considered striking that one of Heidegger’s most consistent concerns throughout his catalogue was how various affective phenomena influence the practice of philosophy. Although a reasonable number of papers and book chapters have been written on the topic (with a strong preference to the topic as it appears in Being and Time), there has been, like Christos Hadjioannou says, ‘no single collection of essays exclusively dedicated to this theme’. For that reason, Hadjioannou dedicates this volume, Heidegger on Affect, to in-depth analysis of Heidegger’s many attempts at making ‘mood [Stimmung]’ and ‘disposition [Befindlichkeit]’ philosophically relevant, and conversely, at finding resources for understanding within the history of philosophy. With the objective of offering a comprehensive and relevant survey of Heidegger’s work on such matters, Hadjioannou has compiled essays by a variety of prominent contemporary Heidegger-scholars.
For the full review see Phenomenological Reviews.