Engaged Phenomenology
Engaged Phenomenology – the British Society for Phenomenology Annual Conference, with the University of Exeter, co-sponsored by Egenis and the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health. This year, due to global concerns about the Coronavirus pandemic the conference will be held online.
ONLINE (Conference platform details accessed via login emails)
LIVE TIMETABLED EVENT: Thursday 3 – Saturday 5 September 2020
CATCH-UP WEEK: Sunday 6 – Sunday 13 September 2020
‘Engaged Phenomenology’ seeks to complement the approaches of applied and critical phenomenology by investigating embodied lived experience through a plurality of voices, encouraging dialogue between phenomenology, as a philosophical approach, and other disciplines, in addition to practitioners and individuals outside the academy. The aim is to engage phenomenological approaches across a variety of contexts (e.g., healthcare, medicine, education, design, art, psychology, architecture, community spaces, etc.) with the hope of opening up the phenomenological approach to individuals and communities outside of traditional philosophical spaces for the encouragement of dialogue, interaction and deeper understanding of the complexities of embodied lived experience across a diversity of contexts, while also being alert to the socio-political realities and power relations which frame experience.
‘Engaged phenomenology’, as an approach:
> heeds the situatedness of lived experiences across diverse cultural and environmental lifeworlds
> invites us to hold this notion of plural lifeworlds together with wider phenomenological questions about lived possibility, power relations, and the condition of having and being in a lifeworld which feels open to us and to which we are open
> challenges assumptions around narrativity and privileged articulacy in phenomenological methods, embracing new ways of listening and attending to people’s lived experiences in their specificity and relationality
> is mindful of how experience is lived through constellations of relations with others, rather than only seeking individualised (depoliticised) first-hand accounts
> considers the transformative potential of research participants sharing their experiences in meaningful ways, rather than merely assessing their ‘utility’ in academic terms.
> The theme of the BSP 2020 Annual Conference Online is by Jessie Stanier, Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health at the University of Exeter.
The conference will take place on a video platform, chat forum, and via Zoom meetings accessible only by registered participants.
Keynote presentations will be streamed live over Zoom and will include time for Q&As; the audience will be able to submit questions via Zoom chat, and these questions will be put to the Keynote by the Chair of the session. These Zoom presentations / Q&A sessions will be recorded, and be available on the video platform for those that missed them or wish to rewatch.
> Sophie Loidolt. Professor of philosophy and chair of practical philosophy, Technische Universität Darmstadt / Technical University of Darmstadt.
> Mariana Ortega. Associate Professor of Philosophy; Women’s, Gender, and Sexualities; and Latina/o Studies at Penn State.
> Dan Zahavi. Professor of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen; Professor of Philosophy, University of Oxford; Director of Center for Subjectivity Research (CFS).
> 58 Speaker presentations
Speaker presentations will be pre-recorded videos released according to a timetable as a dual track over the three days of the conference; Q&As will be conducted via a chat forum. Each Speaker will be allotted a 30 minute slot, 20 or so minutes for people to watch the video, with the remaining time open for the Q&A.
Post-conference access: The conference video platform and chat forum will remain open for another eight days. This means everyone will be able to see everything they wish to see, and rewatch as many times as they like. Participants will also be able to continue to ask questions of the Speakers via chat, and Speakers will be able to drop in to their chats to check out any new questions. The video platform and chat forum will be closed down after midnight Sunday 13 September.
Presentations from this conference released on the BSP Podcast Season 5, beginning late October 2020.
We are committed to making the online conference as accessible as possible. If you have accessibility considerations or concerns about the video presentations, please get in touch ([email protected]) and we will do our best to either accommodate or advise. For speakers or delegates with support workers (such as transcribers, signers, or assistants of any kind) we also offer free registration – again, just get in touch.
Call for Papers:
The Call for Papers closed on Tuesday 31 March 2020 .
Advice for speakers recording and submitting presentations:
Submissions are now closed (Guidance and Submission advice pages now retired from site).
If you have any questions about the conference, please email: [email protected]
Conference Committee:
> Prof Luna Dolezal, BSP AC2020 host; associate professor in philosophy and medical humanities, University of Exeter.
> Dr David Deamer, BSP Engagement and Events; Writer and Free scholar.
> Dr Matt Barnard, BSP Technology Officer; Associate lecturer in philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University.
> Hannah Berry, BSP Secretary; PhD student, University of Liverpool and Associate lecturer in philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University.
> Jessie Stanier, BSP AC2020 host; PhD student at the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health at the University of Exeter.
The British Society for Phenomenology Annual Conference is a longstanding and respected feature of the UK academic scene, providing a friendly and supportive forum for inter-disciplinary discussion. This year we are partnering with the University of Exeter (UK); and the event will be co-sponsored by Egenis and the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health.