The third episode of season four of our podcast, another presentation taken from our journal’s 50th Anniversary Conference in 2019.
Season 4 episode 72: 7 June 2020
Season four of the British Society for Phenomenology Podcast continues with a paper from Niall Keane. This recording comes from the JBSP 50th Anniversary Conference: On the History of Being – After the Black Notebooks (2019) which was held in celebration of fifty years of the Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology.
Niall Keane: ‘The World as Natural or Abysmal? The Threat of Naturalism and the History of Beyng’
You can listen to this episode on the BSP’s Podbean site, and you can also find it on iTunes and all good podcasting apps by searching ‘BSP Podcast’.
ABSTRACT: This paper will trace the theme of the naturalisation of the world from Heidegger’s early lectures up until and including the Black Notebooks. It will take the theme of Heidegger’s critique of the naturalization of the world as its starting point and show how the problem of naturalism and its forgetting of the phenomenon of the world is a guiding thread when it comes to understanding the intensification of the same critique in his later analysis of the darkening of the world as the increasingly impeded ability to interrogate the question of the history of beyng.

Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology: Special Issue – Heidegger and the Black Notebooks (Volume 51, Issue 2, 2020). Other papers presented at the JBSP 50th Anniversary Conference have been reworked and published as essays in this special edition.
The JBSP 50th Anniversary Conference: On the History of Being – After the Black Notebooks (2019) celebrated 50 years of the journal. The British Society for Phenomenology held a three-day conference at the International Anthony Burgess Foundation, Manchester, UK from 31 May to 2 June, 2019. The aim of the event was to examine the contribution of Heidegger’s Schwarze Hefte (Black Notebooks) to an understanding of the question of the history of being.
The British Society for Phenomenology is a not-for-profit organisation set up with the intention of promoting research and awareness in the field of Phenomenology and other cognate arms of philosophical thought. Currently, the society accomplishes these aims through its journal, events, and podcast. Why not find out more, join the society, and subscribe to our journal the JBSP?