California Phenomenology Circle Calendar Presentations

The calendar of upcoming online events: five talks from five leading phenomenologists each month from September 2024 to February 2025.

California Phenomenology Circle Calendar Presentations
The California Phenomenology Circle is happy to share with you the calendar of its upcoming events. Please, feel free to join if interested. This is the zoom link: and the times are Pacific Standard Time

Susi Ferrarello
Friday 27, 11:00am
Happy from a Phenomenological Standpoint

Daniel Cohen
Friday 11, 11:00am
Heidegger on Cognition

Hakhamanesh Zangeneh
Friday 8, 11am
Husserl, Jeff and the Neural Scaling Laws

Jeff Yoshimi
Friday 10, 11:00am
Eidetic laws as code comments in the software running the Matrix

Mike Shim
Friday 7, 11:00am
Husserl and representation

For more info, please email [email protected]