Eco-phenomenology rearticulates the relationship of phenomenology & the natural sciences based on the assumption of a situated & embodied subject.
Call for Papers: Eco-Phenomenology / Studia Phaenomenologica vol. XXV (2025)
Editor: Mădălina Diaconu
Argument: Eco-phenomenology is a recently emerged discipline that aims to constructively rearticulate the relationship of phenomenology with natural sciences based on the assumption of a situated and embodied subject. The concept of eco-phenomenology was introduced in 2001 by David Wood in connection to an approach that mediates between ecological phenomenology and phenomenological ecology. Shortly afterwards, it was adopted by Charles S. Brown and Ted Toadvine. Since then, the list of contributions to a more or less critical phenomenology of the environment has been substantially enriched, proving the fertility of phenomenological reflection and its potential to cope with pressing issues regarding the environmental crisis. However, already in the 20th century and despite the programmatic resistance of phenomenology to naturalism, its exponents had integrated theories of biology (von Uexküll) or environmental psychology (Gibson), to name just a few relevant scientific disciplines. The interdisciplinary dialogue is expected to gain in importance in the future and include the atmospheric sciences and Blue Humanities.
The field of eco-phenomenology is not confined, though, to attempts to engage in a dialogue with natural sciences (e.g., Böhme & Schiemann). Classical concepts of phenomenology, such as physis, Earth and sky, fourfold (Heidegger, Held), fūdo (Watsuji), and even “face” (Levinas), were reinterpreted in the light of present environmental issues. Maurice Merleau-Ponty was particularly influential on phenomenologists who were committed to environmental issues (Toadvine, Abram, Berleant), but other phenomenological approaches might be equally inspiring, as, for example, Gaston Bachelard’s theory of elements, Mikel Dufrenne’s ontology of a poetic nature, Eugen Fink’s cosmological philosophy, Heidegger’s phenomenology of care and concern, etc. Relevant in this context are also the phenomenology of place (Relph, Casey, Seamon) and the New Phenomenology of atmosphere (Schmitz, Böhme, Hasse, Griffero, etc.).
The present CfP conceives eco-phenomenology in the broad sense of the plethora of experiences that are related to dwelling on Earth (oikos) but specifically welcomes subjects related to the present environmental crisis and possible contributions of phenomenology to mitigate it. Beyond enriching the sphere of phenomenological approaches, we are interested in raising the question of how the phenomenological emphasis on experience can contribute to a critical environmental philosophy, ethics, and aesthetics.
See for possible topics see the full CfP:
Submission Guidelines:
Contact: The papers should be sent to (subject title: Studia Phaenomenologica 2025).
Deadline: March 30, 2024.