Three day event from the Intentionality and Person in Medieval Philosophy and Phenomenology project: Thurs 26 – Sat 28 May.
The organisers are pleased to announce the international conference on: Person and Intentionality: Aquinas, Scotus, Stein (Prague, May 26-28, room 225, Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, nám. J Palacha 1/2) / Zoom.
Intentionality and Person in Medieval Philosophy and Phenomenology project
The goal of the project is to explore the relations between the concept of intentionality and the notion of person in the works of Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus and Edith Stein in order to ask the question of whether these authors, if taken together, can help us develop a coherent personalistic ontology. Historically held as the founders of two opposite philosophical systems, Aquinas and Scotus are reconciled in the philosophical work of Edith Stein, insofar as she develops a strong account of the person that seems to be deeply indebted to both. What are the causes pushing her toward such choice? Is the account that she develops able to provide an view alternative to both Aquinas’ and Scotus’? Finally, what kind of account of the person is required in order for a realist concept of intentionality to be possibly developed?
Person and Intentionality: Aquinas, Scotus, Stein
Thursday 26th, 2022
10:00-10:30 – Daniele De Santis, Anna Tropia: Greetings and Introduction
10:45-11:45 – Dominik Perler: Aquinas on Conscience and Consciousness
Lunch Break
14:30-15:30 – Anna Tropia: Scotus on the Cognition of Singulars
15:45-16:45 – Giorgio Pini: Is There a Theory of Intentionality in John Duns Scotus?
Friday 27th, 2022
9:30-10:30 – Therese Cory: Edith Stein and Aquinas on Intentionality
10:45-11:45 – Francesco Valerio Tommasi: The Intentionality of Matter. The Personal Character of Nature in Edith Stein’s Potency and Act
Lunch Break
14:30-15:30 – Daniele De Santis: Three Caesars. Stein on Core of the Essence, Individuality and the A Priori (and Early Phenomenology)
15:45-16:45 – Sarah Borden Sharkey: Essential Being or Unity less than Numerical Unity? Stein and Scotus on the Universal
Saturday 28th, 2022
9:30-10:30 – Antonio Calcagno: The Move from a Substantial to Relational Metaphysics: Soul, Soullessness, and the Human Person in Edith Stein
10:45-11:45 – Íngrid Vendrell Ferran: Stein on Forms of Affective Intentionality
Lunch Break
15:00-16:00 – Final Round Table: Dominik Perler, Therese Cory, Anna Tropia, Giorgio Pini, Francesco Valerio Tommasi, Antonio Calcagno, Íngrid Vendrell Ferran, Daniele De Santis
Daniele De Santis, Anna Tropia: Conclusions and Greetings
For more information and the zoom link:
Website of the project:
Organisers: Daniele De Santis and Anna Tropia