Article for the Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology by Hicham Jakha (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)
Hicham Jakha – “On Charles’s ‘Quasi-Fear’: A Perceptual–Phenomenological Defence of Thought Theory”
JBSP (Received 29 Oct 2024, Accepted 10 Mar 2025, Published online: 18 Mar 2025).
Abstract: This article puts forth a perceptual–phenomenological defence of “thought theory” as a solid solution to the paradox of fiction. Arguing against Kendall Walton’s pretence solution to Charles’s fear and going along the lines of Peter Lamarque’s and Noël Carroll’s thought theory, my proposed defence makes use of the philosophy of a figure who is rarely discussed in the context of phenomenology and never discussed in the context of the paradox of fiction: Leopold Blaustein. To bring forth my proposed perceptual–phenomenological defence, I devise Blaustein’s descriptive account of “perception” and its role in shaping aesthetic experience. Within this line of thought, I further develop a perceptualist reading of Blaustein, paralleling Christine Tappolet’s version, that may be of service to proponents of the “perceptual theory of emotions.”
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Hicham Jakha, Faculty of Philosophy, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
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