Join the BSP Engagement and Events team: three roles available

Want to be more involved in the BSP? Three roles available: Engagement Manager, Winter Lecture Chair, and Annual Conference Chair.

The British Society for Phenomenology (BSP) is looking for people who would like to be part of the Engagement and Events Team. The positions are voluntary and unpaid, but benefits include the opportunity of learning and developing new skills, a position on the BSP Executive Committee which runs the society, and free attendance (including travel and accommodation) at BSP events. Applicants need not be fully experienced in the advertised roles, as there will be training and support from the Head of Engagement and Events and colleagues.

Further Details
The British Society for Phenomenology (BSP) are looking for three people to join our Executive Committee (ExCo) and become chairs of the UK Annual Conference and the Manchester Winter Public Lecture, as well as Engagement Manager (Communications and Social Media).

The BSP is a not-for-profit organisation set up with the intention of promoting research and awareness in the field of phenomenology and other cognate arms of philosophical thought. Currently, the society accomplishes these aims through its journal, prize, podcast, impact agenda, website, and events.

The BSP ExCo is an elected and voluntary body within and composed from the society’s membership committed to ensuring the success and growth of the BSP, and the Engagement and Events team are a key group within the ExCo.

The Engagement and Events team look after the communications and social media for the BSP, as well as convening events. Working into the current Head of Engagement and Events, once confident in their roles, the chairs will go on to take full leadership of their events and the engagement manager full leadership of communications and social media. The positions are voluntary, however, the role holders will have the opportunity of free attendance at any BSP events in the UK or abroad where they are part of that organising team, with all travel and accommodation costs covered. Being part of the ExCo also means they will have a key role in deciding the future of the society.

The positions
Applicants should preferably be based in a UK institution (although we may consider people based elsewhere for some roles). For full details of each of the roles see the position descriptions:

Applicants can apply for more than one role, but should state the order of preference of the roles they are considering.

Applicants need not be fully experienced in the advertised roles, as there will be training and support from the Head of Engagement and Events and colleagues.

Further information
For further information or to discuss any aspect of this role, please contact the Head of Engagement and Events (see the position descriptions for contact details).

The deadline for application is Sunday 3 March 2024.