Launch Event for the New Alber Phenomenology / Phänomenologie Book Series

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Join the organisers online on January 26th, 2024, to meet the series editors, and authors of some of inaugural titles.

Announcing the launch event for the new Alber Phenomenology/Phänomenologie Book Series.

Join the organisers online on January 26th, 2024, to meet the series editors and get a glimpse of inaugural titles through discussions with their authors.


  1. January 2024, 16-18h CEST

16h-16h10: Welcome and Short Introduction of the Series
Alessandro Salice, Claudia Serban

16h10-16h45 Bewusstsein und Welt
Authors: Shaun Gallagher, Dan Zahavi, Translator: Thiemo Breyer
In conversation with: Sophie Loidolt

16h50-17h25 Edmund Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations
Editor: Daniele de Santis
In conversation with: Jakub Čapek

17h25-18h Crisis and Lifeworld. New Phenomenological Perspectives
Editor: Hernan Inverso
In conversation with: Alexander Schnell (editor)

Everybody welcome!

Organised by Jakub Čapek, Sophie Loidolt, Alessandro Salice, Alexander Schnell, Claudia Serban