Online international conference between the National University of Ireland Galway, The Irish Philosophical Society, and the British Society for Phenomenology.

Call for Papers open now with an abstract submission deadline of Wednesday 31 March 2021 (midnight UK / Ireland)
Prof. Shaun Gallagher will be a keynote speaker at ‘The Future as a Present Concern’, an online international conference between the NUIG, the IPS, and the BSP on 1-3 September 2021. Gallagher is the Lillian and Morrie Moss Professor of Philosophy at The University of Memphis (USA); and Professorial Fellow, SOLA, University of Wollongong (AU).

The Future as a Present Concern explores the question of the future from phenomenological and other philosophical perspectives. We encourage papers on various aspects of this question, whether ontological, ethical, aesthetical, epistemological, and in relation to political theory, gender theory, critical race theory, ecology, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, analytic philosophy, and art. We would particularly welcome applications from practitioners who are interested in the application of phenomenology, philosophy, and theory in their professional disciplines.
For more information on the conference, including format, timeline, and costs, check out the Call for Papers.
To find out more about Shaun Gallagher, see his website at The University of Memphis.
Gallagher was also recently interviewed by the BSP for the 100th episode of our podcast. You can listen to this by following the links from our BSP Podcast homepage.