Summer School “The Phenomenology of Time” and Conference “Time & Consciousness”

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Call for Participation: Summer School 29 – 30 August 2022 and Conference 31 August – 2 September 2022 Imperia, Italy.

Call for Participation — Summer School “The Phenomenology of Time”
29 — 30 August 2022 / Imperia, Italy

The summer school “The Phenomenology of Time” explores questions related to the phenomenology of temporal phenomena such as our experience of change and of time passing. The first day is dedicated to Husserl’s reflection on temporal consciousness, whereas the second one will be focusing on the contemporary debate in the philosophy of mind.

Federica Buongiorno (University of Firenze) – Husserl
Christoph Hoerl (University of Warwick) – Husserl
Thomas Crowther (University of Warwick) – Contemporary Philosophy of Mind
Matthew Soteriou (King’s College London) – Contemporary Philosophy of Mind

There is no participation fee for the summer school.
There are only limited spots available. To apply please sent a letter of motivation (about 1 page) and a CV to Deadline: 30 April 2022.
For more info, see:

Conference: Time & Consciousness
31 August – 2 September 2022 / Imperia, Italy

The summer school adjoins the conference “Time & Consciousness” (31 August – 2 September, Imperia, Italy). This will investigate the relations between temporal phenomenology and the metaphysics of time.

1) Giulia Lorenzi (University of Warwick)
2) Thomas Crowther (University of Warwick)
3) Cord Friebe (University of Siegen)
4) Akiko Frischhut (University of Akita)
5) Marcello Garibbo (University of Siegen)
6) Tobias Rosefeldt (Humboldt University, Berlin)
7) Simon Prosser (University of St. Andrew)
8) Sonja Deppe (University of Jena)
9) Thomas Sattig (University Tübingen)
10) Matthew Soteriou (King’s College London)
11) Giuliano Torrengo (University of Milan)
12) Yaron Wolf (University of Utrecht)
13) Bianca Ancillotti (University of Leipzig)
14) Dirk Franken (University of Heidelberg)
15) Gabriele Gava (University of Torino)
16) Federica Buongiorno (University of Firenze)
17) Christoph Hoerl (University of Warwick)
18) Pujarini Das (Indian Institute of Technology, Kapur)

For more info see:–consciousness.html

The summer school and conference are co-organized by the Society for the Philosophy of Time (, the University of Siegen and the Theatre Lo Spazio Vuoto. The conference is kindly supported by the DFG as part of the project “Zeit-Kontinuum und Zeit-Bewusstsein” (Projektnummer 446878312).