White Rose Graduate Conference in Phenomenology & Philosophy Of Mind

Programme and invitation to attend the event at the University of York taking place on the 10 – 11 October.

With Dr Louise Richardson (University of York), Dr Komarine Romdenh-Romluc (University of Sheffield), Dr Léa Salje (University of Leeds) and Dr Joel Smith (University of Manchester) confirmed as keynote speakers, the organisers of the White Rose Graduate Conference in Phenomenology & Philosophy Of Mind, taking place on the 10th and 11th October at the University of York (James Hall G/N/28), are pleased to extend an invitation to whom may be interested.

The conferences’ topics are:

Dr Léa Salje
(University of Leeds)
Keynote: Saying What You Think

Siying Jiao (PhD)
(University of York)
Delineating the Phenomena of

Liya Zou (MA)
(University of Edinburgh)
Desire in Movement: A
Phenomenological Approach to
Sensorimotor Relationalism and
Conscious Experience

Sofia Livi (PhD)
(Scuola Normale
Breathing Postures

Celia Blaise (MA)
(University of Sheffield)
Reevaluating Mystical Experiences in Theories of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Dr Louise Richardson (University of York)
Keynote Speaker

Dr Komarine Romdenh Romluc
(University of Sheffield) Keynote Speaker

Daniel Kim (Postdoc) (University of York)
Hallucination and the Phenomenology of Embodiment

Toshiaki Ito (PhD)
(University of Sheffield)
ToM Not Necessary For Empathy

Alex Filliez (MA)
(University of New
Being Mentally Ill: A Phenomenological Exploration of Mental Illness as Alienated Being

Jacob Harber (PhD) (University of Glasgow)
Beyond the Sense of Reality – Unpacking ‘unreal’ phenomenology in derealisation

Dr Joel Smith
(University of Manchester) Keynote:
The Sound of Sadness: Emotion,
Expression, Music

Lunch will be provided alongside tea and coffee during intervals throughout the day. A drinks reception is also being hosted at the Department of Philosophy (Campus West) after the final talk on the 11th of October, should any contributors or spectators wish to attend.

For more information, please contact Thomas Dowling at [email protected].